Total Quality Management Implementation for Improving the Quality of Quran Memorization

Jamaril Jamaril


Looking at the current conditions in the field, that the learning burden borne to students is not a light burden, considering that on the one hand students must meet the demands of the ability to master compulsory knowledge in accordance with a structured curriculum, namely general subjects and religious subjects and on the other hand added again with the task of memorizing the Koran. The things mentioned above, really hope for a touch of management that is more effective and appropriate, and considers various problems related to the learning system and curriculum as well as the Tahfiz Al-qur'an learning tools at MTsN 6 Padang City, because there are still many weaknesses found weakness of learning management that has been applied so far.Based on the things stated above, the authors want to know about the needs, implementation and responses to Total Quality Management (TQM) at MTsN 6 Padang City in improving the memorization of the Qur'an for class Ixan students the responses of teachers and students to Total Quality Management (TQM) in improving the quality of memorizing the Koran for class IX students at MTsN 6 Padang City.The scientific method is a scientific way of obtaining data with a specific purpose and use. In this study, the author uses a type of field research that is descriptive qualitative, namely research that is used to describe, explain and answer the problems of a phenomenon or event that is happening at this time.

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