Analysis of Learning Difficulties in Teaching and Learning Activities in Extractive Industry Areas
Education plays an important role in educating human life and civilization is a better direction. As one of educational institutions, Az Zahra islamic boarding school seeks to improve the quality of learning in order to achieve the expected educational goals. Ironically, the journey towards the goal experiences very disturbing obstacles in the learning process.This research is descriptive quality research. The techniques used in data collections: observation, interview, and documentation study. The subjects in this study were the leaders of the Az Zahra Islamic Boarding School, the head teacher, the teachers of Senior High School and Junior High School, the students, local communities and environmental activist. The object of this research is the Analysis of Learning Difficulties in Teaching and Learning Activities in Extractive Industrial Areas.The results showed that the learning process that took place at Az Zahra Islamic Boarding School was not good. This is proven because there are obstacles that interfere with the ongoing learning process. These obstacles included: 1) The sound of coal mining vehicles which greatly disturbs concentration while studying, 2) There is dust that makes students feel uncomfortable at the pesantren, 3) Lack of trees because the company is too close and takes the Islamic Boarding School land, so the atmosphere in in stuffy classrooms, 4) A coal company close enough to disrupt teaching and learning activities.
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