sri ariani, Tika Monica Zulvia


The aim of this study is to analyze the implementation of discovery learning model in Sanitation, Hygiene, And Occupational Safety subject in Vocational High School No. 3 Solok, in Hotel Study Program Class X at the second semester. This study was held from January to February 2020. The research was conducted using descriptive qualitative method. There were 3 respondents, the first one was the teacher who taught this subject and the rest were 2 students from different competency level. From the result of the research, it was found that the teachers had implemented the model by using correct steps suggested by the experts. The teachers expected that this method could make the students think critically, work independently, able to work in groups, examine ongoing events, solve problems that are being faced and find the solutions. The teacher hoped that by implementing the Discovery Learning model, students would get better grades. However, the students were not ready to use this model. Students were used to receive explanations from the teacher and were not used to study independently. So that when students were asked to find solutions to the problems, the students tend to talk about other things during group discussions. The teachers should find the way to implement this model which fits with the students’ ability and preferences.

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