Tourism is a sector that can support the progress of a region. One of the support in a tourist destination ia accommodation. One of the accommodation places ia Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar. This hotel gas 135 rooms with only 71 employess and only 2 employees in the laundry department. This study Sims to determine how a housekeeping manager applied OCCUPATIONAL safety and health to employees of the laundry Section of the Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar. This type of research id descriptive qualitative. With the object of research on OCCUPATIONAL Health and Safety (K3) who work at the Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar laundry. Informants in this study where the housekeeping manager, laundry employessand housekeeping employess in the linen section. Data collection used in this research id the method of interviewing, observation and documentation. The result of this research is the APPLICATION of occupational safety and health in the laundry division at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar has not been implemented. Of the 6 safety programs and 3 healts programs in (K3), not all of then are carried out bye housekeeping manager. For employess, they have never received and sanctions or disciplinary policies in using ppe and it ia the better of the manager implements an K3 program for laundry employess. So it can be concluded that the housekeeping manager at Emersia Hotel & Resort Batusangkar durung bis tenure not all K3 programs are implemented. Manager should conduct periodik inspections and evaluations of Ohs efforts. Because this analysis muat be designed to measure progressin occupational safety and health management.
Keywords : APPLICATION of Occupational Safety and Health
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