Author Guidelines

The writing and manuscript in the Menara Devotion Journal are as follows:

  1. The manuscript submitted is a scientific article that has never been published in any media and does not contain elements of plagiarism.
  2. The manuscript can be written in Indonesian and/or English for 10-15 pages, A4 size paper, Garamond typeface, 12 pt size, 1 space, each paragraph indented 1 cm, and right, left, top and bottom margins 3 cm .
  3. Manuscripts are written in journal format systematically including: Article Title, Author's Name (Author's Institution, Author's Email Address), Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Discussion (consisting of stand-alone sub-discussions), Conclusion, and Bibliography.
  4. The title of the article is written in Indonesian or English. The title of the article must be specific and straightforward, describing the content of the article comprehensively.
  5. The abstract is written in Indonesian or English comprehensively and reflects the essence of the writing. The abstract is written in Times New Roman font, size 11 pt, and 1 spacing. The abstract consists of a minimum of 150 words and a maximum of 250 words.
  6. The keywords chosen are in Indonesian or English, reflecting the essential content of the article in the amount of 5 words/phrases.