Viki Yusri, Novria Hesti, Febriyanti Febriyanti


Pendahuluan: Kanker serviks merupakan penyebab utama kematian dari semua jenis kanker ginekologi pada wanita. Prevalensi angka kejadian kanker serviks di Indonesia pada 2020 mencapai 396.914 kasus dan total kematian sebesar 234.511 kasus, sedangkan pada tahun 2022 kanker sevik menempati urutan kedua terbanyak dengan penambahan kasus sejumlah 36.633 kasus atau 9,2%, di Sumatera barat sendiri juga menduduki peringkat ke dua yaitu sebesar 2,47‰, kemudian di ikuti daerah Gorontalo sebanyak 2,4%. Permasalahan yang terjadi pada pasien kanker serviks meliputi permasalahan fisik, psikologis, sosial, spiritual dan seksual yang memerlukan perawatan yang holistik, salah satunya tidak kalah penting adalah dalam  masalah spiritual, masalah spiritual yang dihadapi oleh penderita kanker seperti putus harapan, tidak memahami arti kehidupan, dan hidup dengan ketidak pastian, merasa berduka dan kehilangan. Kompleksisitas penderitaan spiritual pada penderita kanker serviks memerlukan penanganan dan pendekatan oleh tim interdisipliner dalam mangatasinya. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat pengaruh  intervensi keperawatan spiritual dengan nilai-nilai Islami terhadap kualitas hidup penderita kanker serviks. Metode penelitian Quasi eksperiment dengan desain pre-post test, dengan metode consecutive sampling pada perempuan kanker serviks stadium II-IV dan usia 25-60 tahun di ruangan kebidanan RSUP Dr. M.Djamil Padang dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 15 orang. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan ada pengaruh pemberian intervensi keperatan spritial islmai terhadap kualitas hidp penderita kanker dengan nilai p-value 0,00. Kesimpualan dan Saran: dengan adanya pengaruh pemeberian intervensi keperawatan spritual islami ini, diharapkan bidang pelayanan keperawatan khususnya melayani kanker agar memasukan intervensi spiritual islami dalam keseharian dan dijadikan sebagai panduan dalam perawatan di layanan secara umumnya.

Teks Lengkap:



Aru Narayanasamy. (2006). The impact of empirical studies of spirituality and culture on nurse educationNo Title. Jurnal of Clinical Nursing, 15(7).

Brotto, L.A., Heiman, J.R., Goff B, et al. (2020). A psychoeducational intervention for sexual dysfunction in women with gynecologic cancer. Arch Sex Behaviour. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 18, 743-753. 17. Nail, L. M.

Clark M, Bostwick M, R. T. (2020). Group and individual treatment strategies for distress in cancer patients. Mayo Clin Proc 2020, 78:1538-1543. PubMed.

Dasar, R. K. (n.d.). Laporan Riskesdas 2018 Nasional.pdf.

Dossey, Keegan, G. (2013). Holistic nursing. Handbooks Fourth Editions, Manuals, Etc. United States of America, 103–150.

Fisher, Y. (2014). Fisher , Y . ( 2011 ). The sense of self-efficacy of aspiring principals : Exploration in a dynamic concept . Social Psychology of Education , 14 [ 1 .... March 2011.

Hjermstad MJ. (2020). fatigue in cancer patients -- challenges in assessment and treatment. Klinisk Sygepleje (KLINISK SYGEPLEJE),. 21 (1): 13-27. (100 Ref).

International Agency for Research on Cancer. (2020). Indonesia The Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) 2020 : New Global Cancer Data. World Health Organization, 1–2.

Jennifer R K, Linda MF, Catherine G, Jill T, M. I. (2021). Improving Cancer Survivorship Care: Oncology Nurses’Educational Needs and Preferred Methods of Learning. Jurnal Cancer Education, 26:234–242. Published Online: 13 March 2021.

Karen, S., & E. J. . (2022). Cancer survivors gain physical, mental benefits from strength-focused, community based exercise programs. Available on Https://Www.Fhcrc.Org/En/Treatment/Survivorship/Survival-Strategies/Exercise-Programs.Html.

Klemp, J. R., Frazier, L. M., Glennon, C., Trunecek, J., & Irwin, M. (2011). Improving Cancer Survivorship Care : Oncology Nurses ’ Educational Needs and Preferred Methods of Learning. J Cancer Educ, 26, 234–242.

Li, C. C., Chang, T. C., Tsai, Y. F., & Chen, L. (2019). Quality of life among survivors of early-stage cervical cancer in Taiwan: an exploration of treatment modality differences. Quality of Life Research,. 26(10), 2773-2782. Doi:10.1007/S11136-017-1619-0.

Mabsusah, M. (2020). „Kualitas hidup (quality of life) pasien diabates mellitus di RSUD. Dr. H. Slamet Martodirdjo kabupaten Pamekasan Madura. UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 1(2).

Mardiana, D., Ma‟rifah, A. R. and Rahmawati, A. N. M. (2018). Hubungan Mekanisme Koping dengan Kualitas Hidup Penderita Kanker Servik di RSUD Prof. dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. Jurnal Keperawatan Maternitas, 3(1).

Matthews BA, B. F. H. D. (2022). Health Status and life satisfaction among breast cancer survivor peer support volunteers. Psycho-Oncology 2022, 199-211.

Monareng, L. V. (2012). Spiritual nursing care: A concept analysis. Curationis, 35(1), 28.

Narayanasamy, A. & Owens, J. (2020). A critical incident study of nurses’ responses to the spiritual needs of their patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing 33(4), 446–455.

Ozbasaran, F., Ergul, S., Temel, A. B., Aslan, G. G., & Coban, A. (2011). Turkish nurses ’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care Turkish nurses ’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care. October 2020.

Parvizi, J., Jacques, C., Foster, B. L., Withoft, N., Rangarajan, V., Weiner, K. S., & Grill-Spector, K. (2012). Electrical stimulation of Human Fusiform face-selective regions distorts face perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(43), 14915–14920.

PRESIDENT’S CANCER PANEL. (2022). Closing Gaps in Cancer Screening: Connecting People, Communities, and Systems to Improve Equity and Access. 70(February).

Rocchi, P., & Tsitsiashvili, G. (2012). Four Common Properties of Repairable Systems Calculated with the Boltzmann-Like Entropy. Applied Mathematics, 03(12), 2026–2031.

Taleghani, F., Yekta, Z.P., Nasrabadi, A. . (2021). Coping with breast cancer in newly diagnosed Iranian women. Jounal Advance Nursing. 54(3):265–72.

Weis. (2012). The Economics of Information Security and Privacy The edited proceedings of WEIS 2012 are now available: The Economics of Information Security and Privacy, Rainer Böhme (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2013, 321 p.

Wilmoth, M. C. (2019). Life after cancer: What does sexuality have to do with it. Oncology Nursing, 33 (5), 905-910.

Aru Narayanasamy. (2006). The impact of empirical studies of spirituality and culture on nurse educationNo Title. Jurnal of Clinical Nursing, 15(7).

Brotto, L.A., Heiman, J.R., Goff B, et al. (2020). A psychoeducational intervention for sexual dysfunction in women with gynecologic cancer. Arch Sex Behaviour. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 18, 743-753. 17. Nail, L. M.

Clark M, Bostwick M, R. T. (2020). Group and individual treatment strategies for distress in cancer patients. Mayo Clin Proc 2020, 78:1538-1543. PubMed.

Dasar, R. K. (n.d.). Laporan Riskesdas 2018 Nasional.pdf.

Dossey, Keegan, G. (2013). Holistic nursing. Handbooks Fourth Editions, Manuals, Etc. United States of America, 103–150.

Fisher, Y. (2014). Fisher , Y . ( 2011 ). The sense of self-efficacy of aspiring principals : Exploration in a dynamic concept . Social Psychology of Education , 14 [ 1 .... March 2011.

Hjermstad MJ. (2020). fatigue in cancer patients -- challenges in assessment and treatment. Klinisk Sygepleje (KLINISK SYGEPLEJE),. 21 (1): 13-27. (100 Ref).

International Agency for Research on Cancer. (2020). Indonesia The Global Cancer Observatory (GLOBOCAN) 2020 : New Global Cancer Data. World Health Organization, 1–2.

Jennifer R K, Linda MF, Catherine G, Jill T, M. I. (2021). Improving Cancer Survivorship Care: Oncology Nurses’Educational Needs and Preferred Methods of Learning. Jurnal Cancer Education, 26:234–242. Published Online: 13 March 2021.

Karen, S., & E. J. . (2022). Cancer survivors gain physical, mental benefits from strength-focused, community based exercise programs. Available on Https://Www.Fhcrc.Org/En/Treatment/Survivorship/Survival-Strategies/Exercise-Programs.Html.

Klemp, J. R., Frazier, L. M., Glennon, C., Trunecek, J., & Irwin, M. (2011). Improving Cancer Survivorship Care : Oncology Nurses ’ Educational Needs and Preferred Methods of Learning. J Cancer Educ, 26, 234–242.

Li, C. C., Chang, T. C., Tsai, Y. F., & Chen, L. (2019). Quality of life among survivors of early-stage cervical cancer in Taiwan: an exploration of treatment modality differences. Quality of Life Research,. 26(10), 2773-2782. Doi:10.1007/S11136-017-1619-0.

Mabsusah, M. (2020). „Kualitas hidup (quality of life) pasien diabates mellitus di RSUD. Dr. H. Slamet Martodirdjo kabupaten Pamekasan Madura. UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 1(2).

Mardiana, D., Ma‟rifah, A. R. and Rahmawati, A. N. M. (2018). Hubungan Mekanisme Koping dengan Kualitas Hidup Penderita Kanker Servik di RSUD Prof. dr. Margono Soekarjo Purwokerto. Jurnal Keperawatan Maternitas, 3(1).

Matthews BA, B. F. H. D. (2022). Health Status and life satisfaction among breast cancer survivor peer support volunteers. Psycho-Oncology 2022, 199-211.

Monareng, L. V. (2012). Spiritual nursing care: A concept analysis. Curationis, 35(1), 28.

Narayanasamy, A. & Owens, J. (2020). A critical incident study of nurses’ responses to the spiritual needs of their patients. Journal of Advanced Nursing 33(4), 446–455.

Ozbasaran, F., Ergul, S., Temel, A. B., Aslan, G. G., & Coban, A. (2011). Turkish nurses ’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care Turkish nurses ’ perceptions of spirituality and spiritual care. October 2020.

Parvizi, J., Jacques, C., Foster, B. L., Withoft, N., Rangarajan, V., Weiner, K. S., & Grill-Spector, K. (2012). Electrical stimulation of Human Fusiform face-selective regions distorts face perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(43), 14915–14920.

PRESIDENT’S CANCER PANEL. (2022). Closing Gaps in Cancer Screening: Connecting People, Communities, and Systems to Improve Equity and Access. 70(February).

Rocchi, P., & Tsitsiashvili, G. (2012). Four Common Properties of Repairable Systems Calculated with the Boltzmann-Like Entropy. Applied Mathematics, 03(12), 2026–2031.

Taleghani, F., Yekta, Z.P., Nasrabadi, A. . (2021). Coping with breast cancer in newly diagnosed Iranian women. Jounal Advance Nursing. 54(3):265–72.

Weis. (2012). The Economics of Information Security and Privacy The edited proceedings of WEIS 2012 are now available: The Economics of Information Security and Privacy, Rainer Böhme (Ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2013, 321 p.

Wilmoth, M. C. (2019). Life after cancer: What does sexuality have to do with it. Oncology Nursing, 33 (5), 905-910.


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