Resource Planning (ERP)PT Sari Husada Generasi Mahardhika Yogyakarta using the updated
DeLone and McLean model. Delone and McLean model is a model of successful testing of
information technology system that are based on processes and causal relationshipof the
dimensions of the model. The dimensions of this model are quality system, information quality,
system usage, user satisfaction and net benefits.
The research method is quantitative method of mail survey methods to company officials
who daily use the ERP. This study uses version 2.0 SmartPLS program assitence as a tool to test
hypotheses in the study.
Based on the results of data analysis, in getting that all constructs in this study has fulfilled
the requirements of validity and reliability. Where to terms of validity, the value of loading factor
must exceed 0,7 and its reliability requirement given the level of Cronbach’s Alpha above 0,7.
Based on the results of hypothesis testing shows there are several hypothesis are supported, such
as HI,HI2,H3,H5,H6,H8. And there are also the hypothesis that are not supported, for example
Keywords : Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Delone and McLean updated model, the success
model in information technology system.
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