Elfitra Azliyanti


This research has two objectives. First, to examine the effect of work life balance on
organizational commitment. Second, the moderating of perception of transformational leadership
on work life balance the influence to organizational commitment perceived organizational support
on emotional intelligence to job performance. The subject of the research is employes who work in
2 hospitals in Yogyakarta. The data is collected by using questionnaires, distributed to 200
employees. The survey was conducted on 200 nurses Hospital in Jogjakarta. Total of 175
questionnaires that were collected questionnaires, only 165 questionnaires that can be processed.
Data analysis using moderated regression analysis. The results showed that the balance of life
significantly negative effect on affective and normative commitment to employees, but had no effect
on employee continuance commitment. Perceptions of transformational leadership is not a
moderator effect of work life balance relations on organizational commitment of employees.
Key words: work life balance, affective commitment, continuance commitment, normative
commitment, the perception of transformational leadership and moderation

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