Pengaruh Suku Bunga Kredit Terhadap Penyeluran Kredit pada PT BPR “X” Kota Padang

Yenni Del Rosa


This study aims to determine the effect of interest rates on loans to the amount of credit in
PT BPR "X" of the city of Padang in 2007 - 2014. The data were collected by the method
of historical documentary secondary data based on annual reports time series data. Data
analysis method used is simple linear regression. PT BPR "X" has Padang city services
product savings and time deposits. The types of loans disbursed in the form of working
capital loans and consumer credit. Before the data is processed first performed classical
assumption of normality, autocorrelation and heteroscedasticity. The research data were
normally distributed because Jarque Bera test value 4.779383 < 33.924., Does not occur
because the value of Durbin Watson autocorrelation 1,257 and does not occur because
the value Park heteroskedastisitas 0.704> 0.05. Because all the classic assumption
fulfilled the importance of the simple linear regression equation Y = 51.325 - 2,138X + e
with the interpretation of the value of a = 51.325 means that if the loan interest rate Rp 0,
- the amount of loans disbursed Rp 51.325, -. The value of b = -2.138 means if lending
rates rose Rp 1, - the amount of loans disbursed fell Rp 2.138, -. Partial hypothesis test at
a significance level of 5% shows that lending rates had no significant effect on the number
of loans disbursed since 0.045 < 0.05.
Keywords: mortgage interest rates and the amount of credit.

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