Pembinaan Usaha Bordir Kerancang Bukittinggi (Kasus Pada KUB Anggrek dan KUB Jam Gadang)
Kerancang embroidery business is a small business which mostly done by people in
Bukitinggi. The purpose of this activity is to provide guidance to Kerancang embroidery
businesses, including human resource development through capacity building of
management attempt to generate better production and clean by using a painting technique
through flour singkuit and improve the ability of business in terms of media, using the
internet to generate design are more varied, interesting and high value. The method used is
in the form of training, discussion, question and answer session and bring the perpetrators
embroidered practitioners who have proven to be good and acceptable to the market. This
activity proved to be very beneficial for a business partner in improving the ability to
produce better products and can compete in the market. Through this activity, the
problems faced by business partners can be resolved so that will increase productivity,
which in turn will improve the economy of the small business members.
Key word: Kerancang embroidery, business partner, training, practitioners
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