This study started from the reality on the ground that a study conducted by the teachers often use conventional learning models, where teachers has always been a center of learning (teaching centered) study results Civics students have not been as expected. Therefore action by using cooperative learning model Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) which makes the student learning center itself (student centered). This study aims to improve the learning process in the classroom civics so that it can improve learning outcomes Civics class V SD Negeri 10 Koto subdistrict Jua Bayang. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach. The collection of data carried out through observation, interviews, tests, and observation sheet. STAD cooperative learning model is a model of learning that puts students in study groups consisting of 5 or 6 students. The learning model is done through seven stages, starting from the presentation materials by teachers, group learning activities, the examination of the group's work, work on individual tests, examinations, test results and awards groups. From the findings, it seemed that by using STAD type of cooperative learning model can improve learning outcomes of students in the fifth grade Civics SD Negeri 10 Koto subdistrict Jua Bayang. From the results of student learning is done on the assessment process on the affective aspects as well as the values obtained 62.0 64.0 psychomotor aspects and aspects kogitif for assessment of the results obtained in the first cycle with an average value of 62.0 and an increase in student learning outcomes in cycles II is the affective aspects of the assessment process with an average value of 86.0 and at 86.0 and psychomotor aspects on cognitive aspects for the assessment of the results obtained with an average value of 81. Keywords: Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) models, Hasil Belajar Siswa, PKn
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