Zenny Agustin, Syuryani Syuryani, Jasman Nazar


Marriage usually takes place only between people who live in one community group, but because of the advancement of information technology, communication and transportation which is quite sophisticated. Many people from the community want to marry foreigners who are not Indonesian citizens. then it is also common for marriages to occur between people of different nationalities, which are called mixed marriages. With the existence of mixed marriages in Indonesia, it affects the ownership of joint assets in marriage. Such mixed marriages are international in nature, because each party to the marriage has a different nationality. Constant conflicts between husband and wife can lead to divorce. Divorce raises the problem of sharing joint assets. Problems arise related to the distribution of joint assets, both movable and immovable assets. Regarding immovable property, the problem lies in the ownership status when a divorce occurs. In this paper, the researcher discusses the consequences of norms and procedures for sharing joint assets after divorce based on Decision Number: 550/Pdt.G/2020/Pa.Sor.

Teks Lengkap:



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Putusan Nomor : 550/Pdt.G/2020/Pa.Sor.

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