Sri Ariani, Rini Hendrita


The purpose of this study was to evaluate a course book entitled ‘English for Hotel Establishments’ developed for the students of Hotel Study Program in Faculty of Tourism Muhammadiyah University West Sumatra. The evaluation stage is one of the step in development research conducted by researcher by adopting the ADDIE development model (Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluation) in her research methodology. Evaluation at ADDIE stage is not only done at the last stage, but should be done at every stage. The evaluation discussed in this paper is in the form of book validation carried out after the Development stage and before being implemented to the target users. Validation was given by 3 experts; 2 experts in hospitality study and 1 expert in English language. It used a questionnaire consisted of 4 assessment indicators which were elaborated into several sub-indicators. The result showed that the validation score was 3.70. It indicated that the book was categorized as very valid or in accordance with the needs of the target users with several suggestions for revision by the validators.

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