recent years, has been realized the importance of this disclosure through its impact on financial
performance.This study aimed to examine the relationship between indicators of sustainability
reporting and the company’s market value ratios. This study used secondary data. The independen
variable in this study was disclosure of Sustainability report that divided into the performances of
disclosure of economic, environmental, and social that measured by using SRDI Indexs. The
Independent variables were measured by using the disclosure indexs. GRI (Global Reporting
Initiative) would be used as a guade of sustainability report as a basis for measuring the indexs.
The dependent variable used ware the market value ratios. the sample was 15 companies that
publised the sustainability report in three consecutive years of 2010-2012 and could be accessed
through the companies’ websites and website of National Center for Sustainability Reporting and
these companies had already published the Annual Financial Statements in 2011-2013 which could
be accessed through the companies’ websites. As a result sustainability reporting in the economic
and environmental aspect gave significant positive affect of Ratio Market Value, mean while in the
social aspect, Sustainability Reporting gave not significant positive effect of Ratio market value.
Keywords: Sustainability reporting, financial performance, market value ratios, Global Reporting
Intiative-Index (GRI-Index)
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