Wiry Utami


This research examine the influence of electronic service quality that consist of four
dimensions are efficiency, system availability, fulfillment and privacy on electronic loyalty, with
electronic satisfaction as mediating variable, perceived trust as moderating variables. Data
for this research were collected by offline and online survey and administered to 237 respondents.
The hypothesis testing was conducted using multiple regression analysis, simple regression
analysis, hierarchical regression analysis.
Findings of this study indicate that efficiency, system availability, fulfillment of electronic
service quality are strongest predictors of electronic satisfaction, whereas privacy has no positive
influence on electronic satisfaction. This study confirms that electronic satisfaction has strong
influence on electronic loyalty. Electronic satisfaction also partially mediation the positive
influence of efficiency and fulfillment on electronic loyalty. This study reveals that perceived trust
has no moderating role in the influence of electronic satisfaction on electronic loyalty.
Keywords : online shopping, electronic service quality, perceived trust, electronic satisfaction
and electronic loyalty

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