Islamic Work Ethics: The New Direction for Research

Willson Gustiawan


Much of work ethic research has been carried out in the West, focusing on Protestant
Work Ethic (PWE) as advanced by Max Weber who relate Protestantism and capitalism.
There was not much research on Islamic work ethics but a few authors whose work has
contributed towards promoting and highlighting Islamic work principle in
organizational studies. The emersion of Islamic Work Ethic (IWE) is a response to the
issue of religious values relation to economic, management and business, that has
became popular since decades. This paper is the review paper of some articles
regarding Islamic Work hics. We emphasize on research of IWE, begining with IWE
research periodization and trend, and how it will develop in the future. The important
conceptual framework was discussed are about effort, competition, tranparency, and
morality. We also compare between IWE and PWE to construct specific IWE. We
propose new paradigm for future study. This is the last part of two papers on IWE. We
hope this paper can enrich discourse in work ethic literature and encourage future
research development.
Keyword: Islamic Work Ethic (IWE), PWE, research development on work ethic

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