Pengaruh Tunjangan Sertifikasi Guru Terhadap Kinerja Guru pada SMAN 1 Lembang Jaya Kabupaten Solok
This study entitled Effect of certification allowance against the performance of teachers in
Lembang Jaya SMA.N 1 Solok. Writers interested in researching this title is a phenomenon
that many writers see the benefits of certification are less smooth and dense payment
certification of teachers teaching hours, so that the learning process is not optimal
anymore. It is quite disturbing performance as a teacher educator who has been
preoccupied by management certification course
The population in this study was about 18 people and a sample of 18 people using total
sampling .Teknik Analasa data used to analyze this research that using simple regression
analysis. Where the variables in this study are the benefits of certification as an
independent variable (X) and teacher performance as the dependent variable (Y).
The results showed that the benefits of certification of teachers significantly influence the
performance of teachers in Lembang Jaya SMA.N 1 Solok. It can be seen from the systems
and patterns of teachers who are already teaching in accordance with the SOP and
established by the SBC and Kemendikbud and motivated teachers in teaching.
Keywords: Benefits of certification and performance
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