Inequality of income distribution is affected by the economic and non economic factors
such as the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), population (POP), Unemployment Rate (TPT)
and Degree of Fiscal Decentralization (DDF). This study aims to determine the effect of
the GDP, population, unemployment rate and the degree of fiscal decentralization to the
unequal distribution of income partially and simultaneously at the 5% significance level.
The research data used in the form of data crossection in 6 provinces in Java with a data
time series in 2009 - 2015. The data was processed with panel data analysis with fixed
effect regression models. Based on the classic assumption test turns out normal
distribution of data for Jarque Bera value greater than 5%, does not occur because the
probability value results heteroskedastisitas regression residuals squared 0.9768 (greater
than 5%), do not occur multikolinearitas, no autocorrelation for test DW 1 , 46375 and d
count is greater than dU and 4 <- dU. The regression equation fixed effect model IG it =
-8.723781 + 0.278708 Ln PDRBK it + 0.65660 Ln POP it + 0.013688 Ln TPK it +
0.000775 Ln DDF it + eit. Partially significant positive effect on income distribution is the
GDP, population and the unemployment rate is open each probability value is less than
5% (0,000 < 5%; 0,014 < 5%, 0.0261 < 5%) Simultaneously all independent variables
significant positive effect on inequality of income distribution because F probability value
is less than 5% (0.0000 < 5%). The independent variables are able to explain the
dependent variable only amounted to 78.59% while the remaining 21.41% influenced by
other factors not included in the research model.
Keywords: unequal distribution of income, domestic gross, population,
unemployment rate open and the degree of fiscal decentralization.
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