Tun Huseno


This research was aimed to examine the effect of factors of job satisfaction on
organizational commitment of Domestic Governance Institute Employees, West Sumatera
Campus. Specifically, the aims of the research were (1) to find out the effect of factors of
job satisfaction, which were the mentally challenging work, equitable rewards, supportive
working conditions, supportive colleagues, personality-job fit on organizational
commitment in Domestic Governance Institute Employees, West Sumatera Campus, (2) to
find out the most influential factor of job satisfaction on organizational commitment in
Domestic Governance Institute Employees, West Sumatera Campus.
This research was a case in Domestic Governance Institute Employees, West
Sumatera Campus. The population of research was all employees of Domestic Governance
Institute Employee, West Sumatera Campus, their numbers were 41 employees. The sample
of the research was chosen with using the census method. Of the 41 questionnaires were
distributed to 41 respondents. The data ware collected using a validity and reliable survey
instrument. All of the scales described below were responded to on a 5-point Likert type
scale. The anchor were strongly agree (5) and strongly disagree (1). The technique of
analysis was applied the multiple regression with the SPSS (Statistical Product and Service
The result of this research showed there were two the results of the research. First,
the result of the research showed that the organizational commitment (Y) in Domestic
Governance Institute Employees, West Sumatera Campus was influenced in 46 % by
factors of job satisfaction which mentally challenging work (X1), equitable rewards (X2),
supportive working conditions (X3), supportive colleagues (X4), and personality-job fit (X5).
Whereas the remains of the organizational commitment (Y) was influenced in 54 % by the
unknown and excluded factors in this model of research. Second, the result of the research
showed organizational commitment (Y) in Domestic Governance Institute Employees, West
Sumatera Campus was the most influential by the personality-job fit (X5).
Keywords : mentally challenging work, equitable rewards, supportive working
conditions, supportive colleagues, personality job fit and organizational

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31869/me.v2i4.237

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