Yenni Del Rosa


This study aims to determine the effect of non-oil commodity exports to the economic
growth of West Sumatra province in 2011 - 2015. The research data in the form of time
series data collected from Bank Indonesia and the Central Bureau of Statistics. The
average economic growth of West Sumatra province for 5 years at 5.986% and the
average value of non-oil commodity exports $ 2,032,112.8, the average volume of exports
of non-oil commodities 2,902,897.4 tons. Having performed classical assumption turns
out all research data is normal with JB test test for 3,814 < 27.587 at a significance level
of 5%, with a value not autocorrelation Durbin Watson heterokedastisitas 1,326 and does
not occur with Gljser test for significant value 0.872 > 0.05. Simple linear regression
equation obtained Y = -5.609 + 2,341X + e where exports of non-oil commodities positive
effect on the economic growth of West Sumatra province in 2011 - 2015. Based on the
partial test for significance level of 5% were non-oil commodity exports no significant
effect on growth West Sumatra provincial economy in 2011 - 2015. It can also be shown
by R square value of 0.067 means that the economic growth of West Sumatra province in
2011-2015 only affected by the non-oil commodity exports by 6.7% while the remaining
93.3% is influenced by other factors which is not included in the research model.
Keywords: non-oil commodity exports, economic growth

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