as a medium in teaching reading comprehension. Meanwhile, the purpose of this
research is to knowif there is an effect ofof visualization strategytoward
students’ reading comprehension skill. The modelof this research was pre-
experimental research in a design group which is divided into three stages: pre-
test, treatment, and post-test in learning process. The sample of this research was
VII Tahfidz grade at MTs Muhammadiyah Padangpanjang. Istruments tocollect
the data were pre-test and post-test through students’ performence with a written
test and measured using an assessment rubric. Furthermore, the criteria for
vocabulary, inference, and purpose. As a quantitative research, the researcher
analyzed the data by using the T-test. The result showed that there was a
significant effect of students score by using visualization strategy in the reading
comprehensionoflearning process. The total score of the students in the pre-test
was 875 and the mean was 48,61. Then, the total score of the students in the post-
test was 1.525 and the mean was 84,72.Then,Tcountishigher than Ttable (-
13,5405 >-1,69092). It means there is an improvement in visualization strategy
toward reading comprehension in descriptive text. So, the visualization strategy
Padangpanjang was effective.
Teks Lengkap:
ISSN. 1979-6307 FKIP UMSB 11
E-ISSN. 2655-8475
Inovasi Pendidikan Vol. 10. No 1, Maret 2023
Muhammadiyah Padangpanjang. The success of the research can be
proved by the students score in reading test of post-test for both classess,
as follow: It can be seen that the mean of the pre-test is 48,61 while the
mean of the post-test is 84,72. The Tcount is -13,5405, which means the
students reading comprehension in descriptive text understanding is
enhanced after using the visualization strategy in teaching. If it is reviewed
from Tcount and Ttable with α is 0,05. It means Tcount higher than Ttable
(-13,5405 > -1,69092). Based on the description above H0 ≠ 0 and H1 = 0.
It means there is an improvement in visualization strategy toward reading
comprehension in descriptive text. So, the visualization strategy for
teaching reading to VII Tahfidz students of MTs Muhammadiyah
Padangpanjang was effective.
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