Wellya lina


This study aims to determine the phytochemical compounds which found in
spices used in the making of rendang, knowing the chemical components of the main
spices of rendang, and determine the ability of antimicrobial in each of rendang
seasoning. The result of analysis proved that there phytochemical compounds. (1) These
compounds are phenolic, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids, steroids, and saponins.
These compounds have funtion to determine the main chemical components in the
extract constituent rendang spices that are known as antimicrobial power. (2) The
amount of the chemical components is obtained successively in marinades rendang such
as onion (2695,5 ppm inulin), red pepper (494,5 ppm capsaicin), turmeric leaf (2,057
ppm curcumin), cumin (2152,2 ppm safranal), and ginger (1,07 % sineol). (3) Inhibition
of the extract seasoning against Staphylococcus aureus has a diameter that tend to be
resistant among the onion (20 mm), red paper (17 mm), cumin (18 mm), and galangal
(14 mm).
Key word : phytochemical; antimicrobial; spices; rendang; Staphylococcus aureus

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