Sago plants in sago center areas are generally extracted into sago flour using traditional methods, and the resulting flour is used as a staple food which is also prepared traditionally. The starch in sago is chemically, physically and sensory similar to tapioca so that various tapioca-based foods can be substituted for sago starch. Various studies show that sago can be processed into non-food products such as biodegradable plastic, fuel (bioethanol), paper, pharmaceutical ingredients, materials for and control of pollution, and animal feed. As a food crop, the potential for sago in Indonesia is very large and can produce starch far exceeding the starch that can be produced by other staple food crops. However, this production potential is inversely proportional to the consumption level of only 3 grams per week in urban areas and 14 grams per week in rural areas in 2021. Interventions in sago starch extraction technology and innovations in processing sago starch as staple food and snacks are needed to grow sago plants. its role as a food crop becomes more important so that its consumption increases significantly. Apart from that, sustainable management of land and sago plants is needed so that the potential of sago as a food crop does not decrease or disappear completely.
Keywords: Sago, sago flour, staple food,
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