Simpai (Presbitys melalophos) is one of the endemic primate species on the island of Sumatra. Presbytis genus population in the forest has decreased, it will affect the smooth process of natural succession of the forest. The development life of Simpai (Presbitys melalophos) depending on the conditions of habitat, especially the feed available in nature. This study aims to determine Population of Simpai (Presbytis melalophos) as well the composition and structure of the forage plant species eaten by Simpai (Presbytis melalophos) in the Maninjau Nature Reserve, Agam Regency. The research was conducted from July to August 2022. The method used to determine population of Simpai was the Line Transect Method, for the composition and structure types of feed for Simpai using the Vegetation Analysis Method. The results showed that population of Simpai (Presbytis melalophos) in the Maninjau Nature Reserve found 5 individuals, with an average population density of 0.10 ind/ha. The results identification types of feed Simpai (Presbitys melalophos) in the Maninjau Nature Reserve, as many 13 species of plants belonging to 10 families were found. At the pole level, there were 6 plant species with the most dominant species Cinnamomum sp (INP 80.13%), and for the tree level 9 plant species were obtained with the most dominant species Baccaurea sp (INP 91,11%).
Keywords: Presbitys melalophos, Feed, Reserve Nature
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