Puja Nofri Anggesta, Desyanti Desyanti, Zulmardi Zulmardi


Medicinal plants are natural resources that have many benefits for people's lives, either directly or indirectly. Medicinal plants are one of the non-timber forest products that are often used by people living around the forest as medicines. These plants are generally in the form of herbal grasses, shrubs, shrubs, and tree seedlings (Sedling). One area that uses medicinal plants is Nagari Sungai Buluh Timur, Batang Anai District, Padang Pariaman Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of medicinal plants and their benefits in Nagari Sungai Buluh Timur Forest, Batang Anai District, Padang Pariaman Regency using the vegetation analysis method with 5 transect lines with a length of 200 m x 10 m with a distance of 10 m left and 10 m to the right. To find out the utilization of medicinal plants, researchers used snowbaal sampling and purposive sampling techniques and then analyzed using quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques. The results of this study found 15 types of medicinal plant species from 13 families, of which the most medicinal plant species came from the Zingiberaceae family with 4 species. Utilization of medicinal plants comes from nature, 40%, cultivation 40%, and 20% buy. Parts of medicinal plant organs used by the community are leaves by 46%, leaves and roots 13%, roots 6%, fruit 6%, leaves and fruit 6%, leaves and sap 6%, leaves and twigs 6%. The highest density value was Paku ransam (Dicranopteris linearis) with a density value of 41.16%, then Sicerek (Murraya koenigi) and Sensaat (Melastoma candidum) plants and the lowest density was Bidara (Magnoliopsida) plants, which was 0.6%.
Keywords: Nagari forest, Medicinal Plants, Benefits

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