Joni Irwanto, Desyanti Desyanti, Fakhruzy Fakhruzy



Forest is an ecosystem unit in the form of a stretch of land containing biological natural resources which cannot be separated from one another, one form of forest is a green belt. The green belt is a form of green open space that functions as a vegetated area to ensure the balance of the regional ecosystem. To maintain the ecosystem of the area, it is necessary to pay attention to the vegetation or trees, especially from diseases and pest attacks such as termites. Research on Detection of the Intensity of Termite Attack on Shading Trees on the Green Line of Adinegoro street Padang City was carried out from August to September 2022. The purpose of this study was to determine the source of infection, indications and intensity of termite attack on trees and bait on the green line of Adinegoro street Padang city . This study used a survey method and systematic sampling. Data analysis used is quantitative and qualitative techniques. The results showed that the source of termite infection came from litter piles and termite nests and indications of termite attack were found to be dominant in the form of termite galleries and attacks on the surface of the trunk and the base of the tree as many as 75 Mahogany and Trembesi trees from 596 total trees consisting of tree species. Mahogany, Trembesi, Ketapang, GlodokanTiang and Tanjung trees. The termite species found in the study were Nasutitermessp, and the intensity of termite attack on trees and bait was light attack which was included in the 0-20% category.

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