This study aims to determine the vegetation structure of Jabon Putih trees at the pole and tree level and to determine the biomass estimation of Jabon Putih (Anthocephalus cadamba) based on the level of poles and trees in Lubuk Alung District. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. Data collection was carried out by means of a tree census (measuring all vegetation in one area), DBH at chest height 130 cm. The results obtained in an area of 1 ha, namely the density of the Jabon Putih tree in the sub-district of Lubuk Alung at the pole level was 111 individuals / ha and the density in the tree was 106 individuals / ha, the overall density was 217 individuals / ha and the biomass at the Jabon Putih tree at the pole level had a total biomass of 5.010. , 56 kg with an average of 45.14 kg with details on the stems of 3,994.72 kg with an average of 35.98 kg, 501.06 kg of branches with an average of 4.51 kg while the branches and leaves were 403 , 08 kg with an average of 3.63 kg. At the tree level it has an overall total biomass of 19,002.9 kg with an average of 179.2 kg with details on the trunk section of 15,637.6 kg with an average of 147.5 kg, and branch parts of 2,045.8 kg with an average of 19.29 kg while the twigs and leaves were 1,061.7 kg with an average of 10.01 kg.
Keywords: Structure, Jabon Putih, biomass estimation
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